Shy bladder syndrome is officially known as paruresis. It is medically classified as a form of social phobia. Perhaps surprisingly, studies suggest it affects an estimated 7% of the worldwide adult population to varying degrees and at some stage in their lives. Yet, despite just how common it is, it’s rarely mentioned or discussed. Sure, there are professional organisations out there who provide help and advice. There are also support groups to share experiences with. But I created this website to focus on information and to introduce self-help treatment to those who can’t face opening up to others.
Why I hear you ask? Because I know how difficult opening up to others and talking about a shy bladder can be. I was that person! It’s one of those conditions which still has an irrational stigma surrounding it. Further more it’s often ridiculed by those who don’t understand. But it’s a serious condition and not something to joke about – just ask any paruretic! The symptoms can be life restricting and, like so many other phobias, if left unchecked and the symptoms will only worsen. It will gradually expand like a snowball rolling down a hill until avoidance of social situations seems to be the only solution.
I don’t want anyone to get to that stage because treatment is readily available and it CAN be overcome. So, even if you can face the thought of opening up to a therapist, nearest and dearest or friends and family, take the first step to freedom through understanding and self-help treatment.
About Me – I Know What You’re Going Through
Severity varies. At best this form of anxiety can be troublesome but at its worst it can be distressing. I know male paruretic who can only use a cubicle but I also know people who have declined social invitations because of it. I’ve even heard of people turning down amazing job offers because it was too far away for them to go home on breaks to pee! I understand shy bladder – its symptoms and how it can affect your life. I know what you’re going through. But I also know that it can be treated and you can be cured and I want you to make a start on this today.
I’m the first to admit, I’m not a medical expert but I do understand (on a practical basis) what you’re going through and how difficult it is to talk about or find support for Paruresis. That’s where I can help … by publishing useful articles and tips, linking to products and services that make a difference and even providing an anonymous platform where you can ask questions.
My mission is simply to help all those individuals who are suffering silently with shy bladder syndrome and offer some relief to them. I want to help all the people who don’t know what to do by simply giving accurate information, tips and cure to do this disease along with the reassurance that they are in no way alone.
Shy Bladder Syndrome – About Me And My Story
My name is Tom Brewer and I’m the experience behind this site. For years I’ve been a Paruretic but I’ve now regained control and have my life back!
I’d describe myself as a late developer who was teased in a restroom back in early high school. I didn’t know at the time the effects this would have on me. As a result of the teasing I would always find a cubicle to pee in or wait until I got home. Over time this developed into a scenario whereby I found myself unable to pee in the openness of a public toilet and, instead, choosing to find a closed door cubicle.
Eventually I found myself completely unable to pee unless I was actually in a cubicle. I was even unable to start a flow if I was completely alone in a toilet for fear of someone coming in. It was a lockable cubicle or nothing (and even that felt uncomfortable). That became a real problem. Especially at events like concerts or the theatre when there was a rush at the interval. I found myself passing up my place in the queue until a cubicle became available or missing part of the show to avoid this scenario. I was always worried about what others were thinking because I was the one that would take twice as long as everyone else to take a leak and would choose to go at “unusual” times!
The Result …
The direct result of this situation meant that I felt embarrassed and would put off going to a public toilet whenever possible. Sometimes I would go home early and on occasions I’ve even refused an invitation purely because of this fear!
Whilst it perhaps it didn’t affect my life to the same degree as it can others it was not a good situation. At this stage I thought I was the only one suffering like this. Some sort of abnormal freak! I didn’t discuss it with anyone and had never even heard of Paruresis or Shy Bladder Syndrome. It wasn’t until I began to research that I realised it was a real and actual condition. It even had a name! I was absolutely staggered to find it was a recognised form of social anxiety and blown away by the numbers of people suffering just like me.
Research led me to treatments … ways that are all detailed in the pages of this website. I’ve studied these with experts and fellow sufferers alike. And I’ve tried out many different treatment programs. As a result I’m now able to pee on demand – no matter what the situation – and you can too.
This website is designed to give back a little, share my experiences and help … even just a little.
Medical Expertise
I mentioned earlier, I don’t pretend to be a medical expert in any way. Whilst shy bladder syndrome itself is a psychological rather than a physical condition you should still seek medical advice before any treatment. I say this because there’s always a chance that there is a physical condition behind an inability to “start a flow”.
Openness & Clarity
In the interests of openness and clarity please note that I may earn money from the companies whose products I promote and that some content may contain affiliate links. If you decide to buy something after clicking through any such link I may receive a commission. But, I would like to assure you that you won’t pay any more for the product. Any money earned helps me to keep the website going and develop it further.
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I’ve included a sitemap for ease of navigation and you can also contact us here:
Finally … don’t forget that you are not alone. There are more people that you’d ever image just like you … expert studies estimate of up to 220 million people worldwide suffer from shy bladder syndrome. As such, there are other organisations who can help such as:
International Paruresis Association
Good luck … you CAN beat Paruresis.